Development of a POC system provided us with many benefits including, among others, the:
Very Clear understanding of requirements
Understanding of the capabilities and limitations of new technologies
Ability to assess design decisions early in the process
Ability for the customer to visualize early on the look-and-feel of the solution
Reduction in the overall risk of project failure
The Proof of Concept approach – A Time Travel to a successful Project

The Proof of Concept approach is practiced for various client requirements to provide the customer with the opportunity to "test drive" core processes in order to validate its needs are met as expected. The value proposition for a customer doesn't end there -by investing a part of the total project cost up-front customers are able to identify and circumvent complex challenges that could become showstoppers later. In this way, a Proof of Concept would act as the first step of the blueprinting phase – very much like a conduit or bridge to a successful project launch. By leveraging the POC approach, we were able to rapidly prototype core business processes as requested by the customer.
A Successful Client Consulting
Consultant engagements beyond simply purchasing expertise require the development of a relationship between the consultant and the client.
Consultants add value by addressing both content and process issues based on expertise, methodology and general problems solving skills
Our Consulting model emphasizes the importance of building a strong relationships and developing trust between the client and the consultant.
Proof Of Concept
A Proof of concept (POC) is a realization of a certain method or idea to demonstrate its feasibility, whose purpose is to verify that some concept or theory has the potential of being used. A proof of concept is usually small and may or may not be complete.
A proof of concept in software aims to determine the solution to some technical problem or to demonstrate that a given configuration can achieve a certain throughput.
The Proof of Concept approach Benefits
Clarity in need/problem formulation;
Number/quality of new ideas;
New knowledge;
Special planning;
New ways of thinking;
Level of planning;
Management of time;
Planning capabilities;
Efficiency of execution;
Strategy formulation;